security talk & philosophizing

Wazuh Install and Maintenance

To date I’ve installed Wazuh three different ways:

  • On Ubuntu (easiest method)
  • On a non-Ubuntu Linux distro (Kali Linux)
  • Using Docker (easy setup, challenging maintenance)

Beyond the core install there is also the email setup and some maintenance elements that must be completed: namely configuring the index lifecycle. Without adjusting a regular deletion of indexes as they reach an age limit, the hard disk will become filled over time.

All this will be covered in this article, but if you’re unaware of Wazuh and what it can do for you, consider reading my other article on the topic.

Installing Wazuh

The Wazuh EDR has three components. These can be installed in a standalone vertical structure, or across three different machines. For simplicity I’m only going to discuss using a single node installation. Wazuh provides installation scripts (to make this easier) and if run in a non-Ubuntu environment, you’ll get an error that the script doesn’t support your Operating System (even if it’s Debian based). There are flags (-i) to override this, but if you force the install, it will just have problems down the line. There is a way to do this, but I’ll start with the easiest method (Ubuntu).

Ubuntu Requirements

The machine, or VM, will need at least 8GB of memory. It really depends on what you’re doing with that box. If it just runs Wazuh, 6GB might be sufficient for a slim, non-GUI linux install.

Wazuh itself requires 4GB of memory to run.

Wazuh install on Ubuntu

I used the latest version of Ubuntu (22.*), and installed it on a low end machine I had laying around.

Once Ubuntu comes up, all you really need to do is read the documentation and execute each script in order:

  • Indexer
  • Server
  • Dashboard

If you are familiar with ELK, these correspond to the three components in the ELK stack (Ealstic, Logstash and Kibana).

Assuming we’re doing a simple, single-node (meaning Wazuh’s components are all installed on one machine/vm) setup, we’ll install the indexer first, following the instructions. What I do first is create a “wazuh” folder on the Ubuntu box. Then cd into it and run the curl commands to grab the config files it mentions in the linked documentation.

Once you run the curl commands, you’ll have a config file that the documentation asks you to modify with your own values for the IP. Make note of the names defined in the config file: node-1, wazuh-1 and dashboard. These can be changed, but whatever values you’re using, jot it down. You’ll likely want to define the IP address as a static reference to this machine’s IP. Make sure the IP doesn’t change. Yes, it does support (for dynamic IP addressing) but your agents (installed on each endpoint in the network) will need updating if the IP changes on the Wazuh server. Make sense? So set up the server as a static IP.

Follow the instructions for running the shell script and verify the installation as described in the documentation.

After the Indexer, you start the assisted script for the server. Follow the documentation for the assisted server install. It will make use of files you’ve created/configured prior, so make sure you aren’t deleting anything as you go along.

After the server is setup, you move on to the final install using the assisted script, as described in the documentation.

Once the dashboard is setup, pulling up the IP of the Wazuh server should bring up the user interface. To login, you’ll need to know the password that was generated during installation. This is discussed at the end of the Dashboard configuration:

tar -O -xvf wazuh-install-files.tar wazuh-install-files/wazuh-passwords.txt

Restarting the Machine – Restart the Dashboard

One thing I’ve noticed is that if you restart the Wazuh box where the Dashboard is installed (on a single node install it’s the same box), you’ll likely need to restart the dashboard service:

systemctl restart wazuh-dashboard

You can always validate if it needs restarting by running

systemctl status wazuh-dashboard

Installing Wazuh on a Non-Ubuntu Debian Linux

What if you want to install Wazuh on Linux Mint, Kali Linux, ParrotOS or another Debian Linux flavor? It can be done, but it requires a more effort. If you want the easiest solution, setup an Ubuntu VM.

On my Kali Purple installation I went through these steps below – NOTE: If at anytime you screw up, run the install script to remove all the Wazuh modifications and start over.

Instead of the assisted script, we need to follow the step-by-step installation documentation.

Yes, it’s more complex, but really it’s just following instructions.

For a single node install, make sure you don’t delete the tar file. The tar file is used in each of the Wazuh installations.

After installing the Indexer, move on to the step-by-step setup for the server, by following the documentation. Note, you don’t have to update each time. Also – this part (server install) goes into the Filebeat installation and configuration.

Filebeat Gotcha

Wazuh is only compatible with Filebeat 7.10.2. When I installed Filebeat as described, it defaulted to 7.17.* (latest version) but if you run the install script on Ubuntu you’ll get the right correct version. Installing on a non-Ubuntu, you’ll need to run a variation of the Filebeat install, where we send in the version number:

sudo apt install filebeat=7.10.2

After installing the server, move on to the step-by-step setup for the dashboard, by following the documentation.

Once the dashboard was installed and all services are running, you should be able to go to the IP and login… HOWEVER, you’ll likely reach an issue regarding access levels. It seems that what we did in the step-by-step instructions neglects to mention creating new passwords. If you get an error on the Wazuh login page, that references Access errors, you’ll likely need to regenerate the passwords for Wazuh:

(optional) # bash -a

This will generate strong passwords, which will get past the access issue (if you get it).

Installing Containerized Wazuh

Following the documentation under alternative installs, there is the Docker Wazuh Installation documentation. This is fairly straight forward using docker-compose. By default the docker-compose install creates an admin user with a password: SecretPassword, which you can obviously change in the GUI.

The Docker Wazuh installation offers both single node setups, as well as multi-node.


Docker offers a quick and simplistic method of deployment of Wazuh, but configuration to your tailored needs can become more complex. Let me explain: As the Wazuh docker doesn’t come with an email configuration, you have to not only expose the configuration files, but you also need to expose access to your host’s SMTP server – a feat I do not currently know how to do.

Setting Up Email Notifications

You might be tempted to set this up in the GUI – DO NOT DO SO. The GUI administration screens may talk about email notifications, but none of it will work. Even the official Wazuh documentation uses a much different approach.


Read through the documentation linked in the paragraph above – some steps come AFTER they give you a command that won’t work right if you didn’t configure it correctly. For example, on step 3 of the instructions for GMAIL it has us echo a username/password, but under the code it mentions that this password needs to be an API password… it’s not the regular account password.

Docker: If you setup Wazuh as a docker container, this gets more complex. The docker container does not have email notification setup at all. Postfix (or any SMTP server) is missing from the Docker. You can externalize the ossec.conf (detailed in the instructions) so it can be read by the OS. You’ll need a way to externalize the SMTP server itself (which I don’t know how to do with Docker).

PostFix Server

Wazuh requires an SMTP server to be configured. Postfix is their preferred SMTP server solution. The documentation walks through setting this up and echo’ing a test email to make sure your OS is sending emails from the command line.

Configuring Wazuh to use Postfix

After that you finish the postfix setup, the documentation walks through the Wazuh config (/var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf) updates. Finally, we restart the wazuh-manager.

Maintenance Issues

I work with the ELK stack every day. So I know a major issue that will come up in time: index lifecycle management. All the data that fills the ELK stack (which Wazuh uses under the hood) is established in indices. Each index will get larger and larger. If ELK reaches a disk watermark (I think it defaults to 80% of the hard disk) it will crash and recovery from this state is not a trivial matter.

Index Lifecycle Management

We need to set up index rotation/deletion. Luckily Wazuh has some very simple instructions to accomplish this:

This is managed through the GUI. Logging into the administration part (Left nav / OpenSearch plugins / Index Management / State management policy.

From the State Management Policy screen, we create a new policy.

Following the instructions, you can do this graphically or with JSON. I think JSON is easiest. Simply copy their JSON and paste it into the JSON field. Modify the min_index_age value to a value you want… if you want to retain data for 10 days, change the value to “10d”.

Click create, and then. you need to apply the index management policy to the indexes in question. You don’t need this policy to rotate for all your indexes, just the ones that grow large (the alerts).

Click the left nav option Indices, under the Index Management section.

This page will load with a table of all your indexes. If it’s been running for a few days, you can sort the indexes by size and see which ones are the growing ones. They will tend to be the alerts. Check those larger indices and then when they are checked, click “Actions” and then “Apply policy.”

A dialogue box will popup, and you’ll click a dropdown and select the policy you just created. Now, after every X days, those alert indices will rotate out, so they don’t get too large. You’ll have an alert index for every endpoint you’re monitoring… so if you are monitoring 50 computers, there will be 50 alert indexes that will need a lifecycle policy added in this way.